In Lex Program we advise you and assist you to the compliance regulatory (Compliance Penal). Mitigates the risks and avoids sanctions We are a multidisciplinary company with professionals recognized in Spain and Latin America for being at the forefront of compliance consulting and advice.We provide you with a customized solution that ensures your compliance, safeguards your reputation and avoids convictions and fines. Current Situation Diagnosis and ReportAnalysis of activities in relation to risksKnowledge and structure of the organization Roles and commitmentsCriminal Risk Assessment and Risk MatrixEvaluation of control mechanisms and systemsAction PlanElaboration and implementation of the Compliance Management System. Technical-legal assistance to the Compliance Officer or to the Ethics CommitteeTraining and awarenessElaboration of ProtocolsCode of ConductDesign and implementation of the whistleblower channelInternal auditsMonitoring and control of Compliance Management SystemContinuous improvement of the Compliance Management System Find out more about our compliance services and how we can help you protect your business. Request a presentation today and start preventing crime in your organization or company. CONTACT