Our solutions are packed with advanced features to help you stay compliant and secure, without sacrificing convenience.LEX 4WebDisplay legally compliant cookie consent Our state-of-the-art cookie banner ensures legal compliance by not loading third-party scripts or trackers until the user gives their consent. Your website will always respect the law and load only what the user decides. We focus on: Child protectionEmpowering the userData Privacy Multy Analytics We have designed our application to ensure that you can utilize all the world’s statistics while complying with data protection laws. You can seamlessly integrate various analytics tools, such as Matomo, Plausible, Google Analytics, among others, without any limits. Our platform allows you to track user behavior and gain insights into how visitors interact with your website, providing you with valuable information to improve your online presence. With our solution, you can make data-driven decisions and enhance your digital strategy while maintaining the highest level of privacy and data protection.